Monday, January 26, 2009

Music Monday~ SPIN CYCLE

I know, I know. I haven't been participating in Spin Cycle for the last few weeks. I just haven't had the gumption to write. Or the brain power. Or the words. Writer's block, if you will. But this week's topic I have a lot to say on!

I LOVE MUSIC. If you regularly read my blog, you will know that I try to feature a song every Monday. Of course, you can see by the title I call it Music Monday. I post the words and the video (if I can) of a song that hits me for some reason or it brings memories back of a time from my childhood.

Music is kind of a timeline for me. When I was a kid, my mom hardly ever had the TV on during the day and we listened to KJR. At that time KJR was an AM station. Our car only had an AM stereo but KJR had all the newest songs of the 70's. (Yes, I'm THAT old.)

Because my dad was a logging truck driver and my mom was a hair dresser, we didn't have a ton of money and we would spend family vacations in our trailer going to the ocean, Canada, California (to Disneyland!) camping the whole way there and to really cool places up and down the coast. I loved that! I have really great memories of sitting in the back seat of our Dodge club cab listening to the 8-tracks my mom and dad had recorded themselves from their records. Dad always played the game "Who Sings This Song?" and we'd have to guess the name of the song and the artist. I'm pretty good at this game even still and have won money from my husband playing it with him! Songs like this one and this one remind me of these times.

There are songs that remind me of friends that are not with us anymore. This song is the first song that I heard after finding out a friend had been killed by a driver under the influence of meth. And this song was played at the funeral of a friend's brother. EVERY time these songs come on my iPod or on the radio, I am instantly taken to those days.

Then there are songs that remind me of family members... mostly my sister, because she loves music as much as me. So, there's this one, this one, and this one.

I have songs that remind me of friends... such as this one, this one, this one, this one, this one and this one.

I could seriously go on for DAYS, but, I won't bore you with a thirty-seven page long post.

I LOVE MUSIC. If you have a few free hours, check out my music tags and see what else you can find.


Anonymous said...

I always think of YOU when I hear KISS by Prince. Always!

Sprite's Keeper said...

I have a few that pop me right back into the moment I remember hearing them, they are that powerful, yet so random from each other. It's funny, the connections we make with certain songs. Great Spin and I'm glad you're back! You're linked!

Casey said...

I love road trip music. Some of my favorite childhood memories are driving across the country with my mom singing at the top of our lungs..

I still remember the song that was playing when I learned that my cousin had been murdered 26 years ago.

Great spin!

Anonymous said...

I remember sitting in the back of my Uncle's car with my cousins. We were around nine or ten, and listening to him sing "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond at the top of his lungs. Years later, I found out the song was written about Caroline Kennedy. Thanks for the memory jog.

Shangrila said...

I had fun "traveling" through your music posts-a lot of great songs, great spin! :)

FoN said...

I love music too. I hear certain songs and am immediately transported somewhere else. Sometimes this is good, sometimes....not so much.

I love your blog!