Today, I went to WW and weighed in. I GAINED 1.4 lbs. That's the weight I lost the first week of HASAY. UGH.
This week, I am: (Notice I didn't say "my GOAL is"?)
- Journaling EVERY day.
- Drinking my water
- Only having two coffees (instead of 4)
- Hitting the gym three times this week. (At least.)
My friends Tiff and Tina are working on their own goals but we are being accountable to each other.
Maybe that will help kick my lazy arse into some action...
I hear ya sister. I decided to just worry about healthy choices and not the scale. It ruins my motivation. I think you are beautiful!
Friends are the best way to stay motivated. If you have a 'date' for the gym, you're WAY less likely to bail. Or at least I am. I like my friends. Don't you like your friends??
This has been happening to me too. It could be water weight, or just something weird with the scale. Like Teenie said, stick to eating healthy and don't focus too much on the scale. I am focusing waaaay too much on the scale and not on eating healthy. I know you may have heard this before, but lots of water is good too. Flushes you out and keeps you from getting hungry, hungry. Only to a point of course. Hang in there!
Maybe you gained muscle? You did go to the gym.
Ugh, that's so frustrating. I'm with Laufa, maybe you gained muscle? I need to learn to pay attention to my full meter, I always eat so much that I can barely move afterwards.
You're doing great, even if you didn't see the results in the scales this week. Keep it up! I'm linking this up in tomorrow's post..
I routinely ignore my full meter, it's tougher than it looks. Having someone to answer to will definitely help. You'll lose that 1.4 again, no worries.
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