Monday, June 30, 2008
Holy Crap It's on Time This Week!
Here's this week's installment...
Living on a lighted stage
Approaches the unreal
For those who think and feel
In touch with some reality
Beyond the gilded cage
Cast in this unlikely role
Ill-equipped to act
With insufficient tact
One must put up barriers
To keep oneself intact
Living in the limelight
The universal dream
For those who wish to seem
Those who wish to be
Must put aside the alienation
Get on with the fascination
The real relation
The underlying theme
Living in a fish eye lens
Caught in the camera eye
I have no heart to lie
I can't pretend a stranger
Is a long-awaited friend
All the world's indeed a stage
And we are merely players
Performers and portrayers
Each another's audience
Outside the gilded cage
Living in the limelight
The universal dream
For those who wish to seem
For those who wish to be
Must put aside the alienation
Get on with the fascination
The real relation
The underlying theme.
-Rush/Neil Peart
I am also going to add a drum solo by Neil Peart. Again, I have to say that he is the most amazing drummer that I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. After reading all of his books, I see where the his lyrics are coming from and why he does what he does... It's long... 8 minutes...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Sixty-one Months
I'm not quite sure how I'm feeling about this.
On one hand, I'm glad the judge saw that Kenneth Clark had a record a mile long of drug offenses and other things. I'm ecstatic that he saw fit to give this man the maximum sentence. I'm happy for Zoe, the boys and all of Shane's friends that this is now "over". It's been a long time coming.
On the other hand, I'm PISSED that he only gets sixty-one months. Think about it Internet. That's only five years. And since he's already served a year and some months of this sentence, (because it's taken THAT long for this to be completed) he truly gets out in a little over three years.
FOR KILLING SOMEONE. When on meth. While driving. Without a license. And insurance.
When given a blood test to check the amount of alcohol and drugs in his blood, it was shown that he had .71 milligrams of meth in his blood stream.
Now, Shane's boys have to grow up without a father. The amount of time Kenneth Clark spends in jail for homicide, is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of time Shane's boys will be without their dad.
I'm struggling with this.
Three people stood and spoke on Zoe and Shane's behalf. The first was Shane's training officer who spoke about training Shane in the Forest Service law enforcement field. He spoke about Shane's integrity as an officer and how he was such a great communicator.
The next person to speak was Shane's friend Troy. When Troy spoke, you heard a little more rage behind his words. He spoke about his loss and the huge loss to Shane's sons. He spoke about having a birthday three days before Shane's and having to call Zoe for the second time to wish Zoe happy birthday for Shane. He spoke about wanting the ordeal of all of the court proceedings to be over. That Zoe needed it to be over because she was so tired.
The last person to speak on behalf of Shane, was Zoe herself. She spoke of missing Shane so much that it was almost unbearable. She spoke of the picture she has in her mind of him bleeding to death for hours and wondering what he might be thinking. She spoke of their boys, their nightly prayers to Daddy in heaven and Kye's terror of crossing the yellow line when Zoe has to make a left hand turn across traffic. She spoke of their boys growing up with out Shane.
The judge asked if anyone was there to speak on behalf of Kenneth Clark. And, although there were probably six or eight people in the court room supporting him, not one of them got up to speak for him. Kenneth Clark did speak on his own behalf, though. He talked about being "sorry that the wreck happened" and that he "has been addicted to methamphetamines for twenty years" and that he "hopes that because he pleading guilty to the charges, the family will find some peace" and "the wreck didn't happen because he was high, it happened because he was too tired and shouldn't have been driving".
The judge then had a turn at talking. He spoke about the laws not being great and that things like this happen every day in his court room. He spoke about the responsibilty of each of us getting out there to change the laws so this doesn't happen to anyone else. He then started talking about the sentencing and what the law allows. Ed and I both thought that he was going to give Kenneth Clark the minimum sentence of forty-six months because that's what the prosecution recommended (to get a plea bargain it turns out). But he didn't. He talked about the victim impact statements, (Over one hundred of them) and even held them up to show that he'd spent the better part of the afternoon the day before reading every single one. He mentioned that he felt like he knew Shane, Zoe and their boys. But he didn't just give the minimum. The judge saw that Kenneth Clark really didn't care and saw fit to give him the maximum sentence allowed by the law.
Ed and I sat right behind three of the supporters of Kenneth Clark. One must have been his daughter. She cried through the entire court proceeding and when they took him out shackled in handcuffs and leg chains, he smiled at her.
This also gives me some cause for thought. I have been so focused on the pain that our group of friends has been feeling about losing our friend in such a violent way, and feeling so angry that this person slipped through the justice systems cracks, that I never stopped to think about if Kenneth Clark had any family and what THEY must be feeling. In a way, they have a loss too. Their loss isn't nearly as permanent as the loss that Shane's family and friends feel, but it's a loss nonetheless. I don't know the history of what kind of father Kenneth Clark has been... I know that he's been addicted to meth for twenty years, so I wonder how that's affected his family.
But, right now, I am still too angry to even process that part. And frankly, right now, I don't care much about Kenneth Clark. Or his family. Even though they are victims of his choices as well.
Right now, I can be content knowing that, at least, for sixty-one months, Kenneth Clark will endure jail and the loss of most freedoms. Hopefully, for sixty-one months, thoughts of that night will permeate his every day. Hopefully, for sixty-one months, his stay in jail will be miserable.
Right now, that much I can do.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
This is Vacation?!?!?!?
We have to drop off our camper and truck in Seattle by 8:00 AM to have them put our new awning on the side.
Then, I have to drop Ed off at work before 9:00 AM. He has a two hour meeting.
Then, I have to pick Ed BACK up by noon, possibly picking Bart up on the way to go get Ed. I also need to bring Ed a lunch to eat on the way.
Then, Ed and I (and possibly Bart) are going to drive to Tacoma to hear the entering of the plea of the guy who decided to drive drunk and kill our friend Shane. Which is at 2:00 PM. We were told to get there early because there are going to be many people in the courtroom for this one. He is planning on pleading guilty to vehicular homicide.
After the sentencing, we have to drive back up to north Seattle to pick up the camper and truck. (Possibly with Bart.) Evergreen Camping Supply closes at 5:00 PM. (Traffic, ugh.)
We have to be back home by 6:00 for a Rotary party for Ed's rotary club. With an appetizer. Did I mention that we have to be there at 6:00? PM? Also with Bart?
I think that I will definitely be needing a drink by the end of tomorrow.
(Editor's note: I'm not complaining about having Bart with us for the day... I'm worried about dragging him around for the day and him wishing that he'd decided to stay at work!!!!)
The cool thing about this conference is that they are giving us two hours at the end of every day to implement the things that we have learned.
Today I think that I hit the wall. I am tired. My brain is full. I CAN'T learn anything more about technology. Well, I can, but, right now, my brain is not accepting any more information. We are full up at the moment.
Right now, I am even having trouble forming coherent sentences to write to you, dear internet, so I am going to go and melt into a puddle of jello...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
One Can't Live on Music Alone
Music has been such a HUGE part of my life since I was a little girl. My parents always had the radio on so I learned every word to every song of the time. I think that the reason that I love music so much is that my dad does as well. When I was little, we used to play a game called, "Who sings this?" and the person getting asked this question had to come up with the name of the artist and the name of the song. I became VERY good at this game and still am. In fact, this year I won $200 from Ed because he said the song "Feel Like I Do" was by Eric Clapton. Seriously! Can you believe that??
We were sitting in the parking lot of Smokey Joe's Tavern, he was driving because I had too many adult beverages, and when he started the car, the song was on the radio.
Ed: Oooh! Slow Hand!
Me: That's not slow hand. It's Peter....
Ed: No, it's Eric Clapton.
Me: NO IT'S NOT! It's Peter... Oh, I can't think of his last name. (At this point, all I can think of is Peter Gabriel, but, I KNOW this isn't correct.)
Ed: Peter Frampton?
Me: YES!!! That's it. It's Peter Frampton.
Ed: No it's not. It's Eric Clapton.
Me: I will bet you one month's worth of dinners that it's Peter Frampton.
Ed: No way.
Me: OK, I will bet you $200 that it's Peter Frampton.
Ed: You're on.
First mistake: Betting me the $200.
Second mistake: Waiting in the car, in our garage with me to hear the end of the song to find out who sang it. (which they never did say.)
Third mistake: Going into the house and really looking it up on the Internet to find out the singer of the song. Because I was almost passed out by then.
Fourth mistake: Thinking he could win this game with his wife, even when she's had too many adult beverages!
Because. I. Was. Right.
Yeah baby!!!
One might even say that I am obsessed with music. In the car, if there isn't a good song on, I'll flip channels until something good IS on. (this drives Ed NUTS!) If I can't find anything, I usually plug in my iPod to listen to every favorite song I have. (I have 399 on the iPod...) That in itself should tell you the diversity of the music I listen to. I have hard, hard rock, to country (but, I'm VERY picky about my country), to alternative, to rap, to old seventies tunes by Poco, Little River Band, and Ricki Lee Jones. I also have some oldies, like Etta James and Wayne Newton. AND, I love hearing new music of all kinds... I'm not a music snob, except when it comes to country. I have never been a country fan, but, I do like certain artists like, Lyle Lovett (who is my other boyfriend with Neil Peart) and Mindy Smith.
I had been in choir in seventh and eighth grades and when I went to high school, I tried out for concert choir. I made it. I was shocked. So, in my senior year, I found that I needed one more math class in order to make it to college. My mom told the guidance counselor that I would "give up choir" in order to take the math class. I was furious. Because I loved music so much, I took zero our classes (history, no less) in order to keep 2nd period choir and 5th period Spanish TA. My mom was freaked because if any of you know me, mornings are NOT my best time of day! I got up at 5:00 AM every morning and made it to Mr. Kelly's zero hour SWP (senior world problems) and the other senior history class I needed to have.
Music reminds me of times in my life and also certain songs will make me think about certain people. For example, "Drop Dead Legs" by Van Halen reminds me of one of my best friends from high school. "Fade into You" by Mazzy Star reminds me of my sister. "Chloe/Dancer of Thorns" by Mother Love Bone reminds me of when Ed and I first got married and we lived in our little, red house on Cedar street. "Brass in Pocket" reminds me of sitting in Smokey Joe's Tavern with my sister and the friend from high school I spoke of before and listening to their version of the lyrics. HYSTERICAL!
Music is a way for me to express feelings that I am otherwise not able to express verbally. Someone has already done it more meaningfully in a song. With music. And Lyrics.
I just finished reading my boyfriend Neil Peart's book, "Traveling Music: The Soundtrack to My Life and Times". It's about Neil's celebration of excellence in the musical artists that inspired his own creative road from his childhood days until the present time. As I was reading it, it made me reflect on my own journey through life and what my soundtrack has been.
I think that if you check out my iPod, you can get a VERY good idea of where I've been.
I am excited to see where music takes my future.
Tuesday Tuneage
This song is "Fade into You" by Mazzy Star. I love the sound of her voice. It's haunting... It reminds me of when my sister was on a fishing boat in Alaska. This song reminds me of her...
Fade Into You
I want to hold the hand inside you
I want to take a breath that's true
I look to you and I see nothing
I look to you to see the truth
You live your life
You go in shadows
You'll come apart and you'll go blind
Some kind of light into your darkness
Colors your eyes with what's not there.
Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you
I think it's strange you never knew
A stranger's light comes on slowly
A stranger's heart without a home
You put your hands into your head
And then smiles cover your heart
Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into youI think it's strange you never knew
Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you
I think it's strange you never knew
I think it's strange you never knew
Mazzy Star
Friday, June 20, 2008
I wanted you to know
That I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keep your photograph
And I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
You've gone away
You don't feel me here....anymore
The worst is over now and we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away
There's so much left to learn
And no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
cause I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
cause I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone ...away
You're gone away
You don't feel me here....anymore
Seether, Amy Lee
Adding a great MTV session as well...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Tuesday Tune-age
South City Midnight Lady
Up all night I could not sleep
The whiskey that I drank was cheap
With shakin’ hands I went and I lit up my last cigarette
Well the sun came, night had fled
And sleepy eyed I reached my bed
I saw you sleepy dreamin’ there all covered and warm
South city midnight lady
I’m much obliged indeed
You sure have saved this man whose soul was in need
I thought there was no reason
For all these things I do
But the smile that I sent out returned with you
When day has left the night behind
And shadows roll across my mind
I sometimes find myself alone out walkin’ the street
Yes, and when I’m feelin’ down and blue
Then all I do is think of you
And all my foolish problems seem to fade away
South city midnight lady
I’m much obliged indeed
You sure have saved this man whose soul was in need
I thought there was no reason
For all these things I do
But the smile that I sent out returned with you
Patrick Simmons/Doobie Brothers
Music Monday
I dont know why I love her like I do
All the changes you put me through
Take my money, my cigarettes
I havent seen the worst of it yet
I wanna know that youll tell me
I love to stay
Take me to the river, drop me in the water
Take me to the river, dip me in the water
Washing me down, washing me down
I dont know why you treat me so bad
Think of all the things we could have had
Love is an ocean that I cant forget
My sweet sixteen I would never regret
I wanna know that youll tell me
I love to stay
Take me to the river, drop me in the water
Push me in the river, dip me in the water
Washing me down, washing me
Hug me, squeeze me, love me, tease me
Till I cant, till I cant, till I cant take no more of it
Take me to the water, drop me in the river
Push me in the water, drop me in the river
Washing me down, washing me down
I dont know why I love you like I do
All the troubles you put me through
Sixteen candles there on my wall
And here am I the biggest fool of them all
I wanna know that youll tell me
I love to stay
Take me to the river and drop me in the water
Dip me in the river, drop me in the water
Washing me down, washing me down.
Talking Heads
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Two Boys, a Convertible and Bon Jovi
We were sitting out on my parent's deck visiting and eating when this little, tiny, red, Datsun-looking truck drove by. Now, normally, I wouldn't think twice if a Datsun-looking truck drove by. However, this truck was a convertible, fire engine red, Datsun-looking truck carrying two young men. Again, if this truck had driven by any other day, I wouldn't have looked twice at it, except the two young men in this convertible truck were BLASTING Bon Jovi.
BON JOVI! Honestly, I can say that I loved Bon Jovi when I was in high school. In 1987. Did I mention I was in high school? IN 1987????? Did I also happen to mention that I am a GIRL?????
Of all the non-manly groups to choose to blast in an already weird situation! I mean, if they were looking to blast, why not Metallica? Or, Linkin Park? Or even Ozzy Osbourne??? But, BON JOVI????
I guess nothing says," Look at me!" like blasting Bon Jovi from a fire engine red, little, tiny, convertible, Datsun-looking truck. With your best guy friend. When you are a guy.
And better yet? The song was "You Give Love a Bad Name".
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The power went out last night, yo! Everything was dead until after 10:00 when I went to bed, so, ya get your music one day late...
Measuring a summers day,
I only finds it slips away to grey,
The hours, they bring me pain.
tangerine, tangerine,
Living reflection from a dream;
I was her love, she was my queen,
And now a thousand years between.
Thinking how it used to be,
Does she still remember times like these?
To think of us again?
And I do.
tangerine, tangerine,
Living reflection from a dream;
I was her love, she was my queen,
And now a thousand years between.
Led Zeppelin
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Twin Falls Hiking



And this was a pretty little creek that was meandering it's way down the hillside down to the river.
WOW. I seriously can't believe that my camera phone took these pictures... I didn't think they'd turn out, but, they are better than I thought.
The hiking thing might become a permanent fixture of my weekend. Last night my sister expressed interest in doing the hike the next day. I was all, "Yeah, I don't think that my body will be very happy with me if I hike that trail again so soon." I don't think she was very happy with me but I said that I would be willing to go next weekend with her if she still wanted to. (As long as she didn't complain about my constant whining and crying the entire trip up to the falls.)
Speaking of which, I can't believe that my friends didn't throw my ass over the edge a few times because I was complaining so much. Yesterday was one of the local Montessori school's father/child hike day so there were a ton of dads and kids on the trail. Most of the kids were doing a GREAT job of hiking the trail and not whining to be picked up and carried. There were a few, however, who made good posting material.
We met a father/son combination on a switch back of the trail. Obviously they had been talking (translation: arguing) about something because the kid came whipping around the switch back, teeth bared, yelling though his clenched teeth, "MY TEETH AREN'T YELLOW!"
WOW! We just started laughing. His dad was all," OK, OK, you teeth aren't yellow."
Then there was the peanut of a little girl who was sobbing hysterically that she wanted daddy to pick her up. Dad was having no part of that because he just kept telling her, "You are doing fine. Keep going. You're doing great!"
"But I want you to pick me up! Pleeeeeeeaaaaasssseee?????"
We went around our switch back and could only hear the whining in the distance.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
No, wait, let me say it again, " I LOVE RUSH!"
Ed and I have seen Rush in concert, I think at least 5 times in the almost 17 years we've been married. WE LOVE RUSH.
We saw them earlier this year at the White River Amphitheater. And it rained. Hard. We didn't have seats per se, but we had spots in the grassy area. I actually like sitting in the grassy area but I did make Ed get us some short chairs. Much more comfortable on the tukus.
This time around, they came to the Gorge in George. We normally stay at the lake when we see bands there, but, this time we had the Taj Mahal II. (use a big announcer guy voice when reading) It was the maiden voyage of the Taj Mahal II, and I must say that she weathered the storm of 6 drunk guys, a 17 year old teenager and me.
We ended up camping in the Gorge camp ground. As soon as we pulled in, we began setting up camp, making the camper level and getting out the grill and of course the beverages. As we were setting up camp, our neighbors pulled in beside us and immediately came over to introduce themselves. Well, I should say, "Marv" came over to introduce HIMSELF. Marv is a very large guy with big bushy hair, a moustache and a VERY LOUD VOICE. Apparently I am his new sister because that is what he called me every time he spoke to me. He looked as if he'd been in a few bar fights: lots of scars everywhere on his face.
Marv had a girlfriend of unknown age. My guess is that she was probably late thirties, early forties. (Wait that's how old I am...) But, she just looked rode hard and put away wet, so she could have been younger than me. She had on the shortest pair of jean shorts I have EVER seen. These shorts gave her camel toes and front butt they were so tight. The other interesting thing about these shorts was that they were VERY high waisted. Like above her belly button high waisted. So, either she pulled them up so they'd be Daisy Duke's or she wanted to hide the flub she had hanging out everywhere.
Which brings me to the next issue with her. She thought that with these nasty Daisy Duke's, wearing a white, tie-in-the-front, button-up, belly shirt was a TERRIFIC idea. I am telling you it was not. Remember that flub that she had hanging out everywhere? She had "tucked" it into the band of her high-waisted Daisy Duke's in order NOT to have a muffin top. The affect was NOT PRETTY.
But wait! There's more!
When she and Marv began setting up their tent, instead of kneeling down to straighten things out or push a pole through a loop, she would bend over at the waist. Straight legged. At the waist! I got to see things I really didn't want to see on Marv's girlfriend because she. wasn't .wearing. underwear.
I thought I was going to puke.
I was trying to sniper cam a picture for Tina. After all, she gave me the front butt vocabulary word, and what kind of friend would I be if I didn't share? But they were too close and taking a picture with my camera phone was just too obvious.
So I had to sit and suffer alone. In silence. By myself.
I think I need therapy now.
Finally it's time to leave for the concert. They boys are well lubricated by this time and my wonderful husband thought it would be a grand idea to make rum and cokes in those cute little coke zero bottles and drink them on the way. We got to the edge of the camping ground and the lady standing guard asked Ed what he had.
Ed: Coke
Her: Can I smell it?
Ed: Sure (unscrews lid, lets lady smell)
Her: (yelling) You get back over there by that garbage can and drink that before you leave.
Ed: OK
He did. He drank the whole thing.
We got into the concert without any trouble except I was felt up by a nineteen- year- old girl. She wanted to know what was in my pockets.
Um, keys and my phone. What else would be in my pockets? Oh yeah. I forgot we were at RUSH!
We saw Marv and his girlfriend traipsing around the grassy area looking for a spot to sit. Guess what she had on? No... not the Daisy Duke's! She had on high-waisted, RED, tight-ass, camel toes, front-butt jeans. With the white, tie-in-the-front, button-up belly-shirt she had on earlier. But now, she had a red, white and blue doo rag on and various things hanging from her belt loops. Oh, yeah. Her muffin top was tucked into these jeans as well. Oye ve!
The concert starts at 8:00 sharp and wouldn't you know it that I forgot my camera but our friend Chuck brought in his and took these great shots:

And this one:

And this one:

And this one:

And this one:

Do you see my boyfriend there in the middle with the big... drum set?
That's Neil Peart.
I love him.
I want to kiss him on the mouth.
He is the best drummer I think I have ever seen. Absolutely AMAZING. I'm afraid to post any more about my love for Neil Peart in case the homeland security people try to come and get me for stalking a celebrity...
*whispers* I love Neil Peart!
Rush played by themselves for nearly three and a half hours. They played a great mix of old and new and a great time was had by all.