Friday, September 5, 2008

Back to School

So, school started last Tuesday. I have 26 little munchkins in my room this year. I think that they are going to be a good group. They seem to be pretty bright and they are catching on to the routines and expectations pretty quickly.

I have some families that I had previously... brothers or sisters of my fourth grade alumni... I also have some new kids to the district. They are the ones that struggle the most. It's funny watching the kids that have been at our school for at least a year because when the new kids misbehave, the veterans look at them like, "Dude, you did NOT just do that." The new kids tend to straighten up and fly right pretty quickly.

I am actually glad to be back to work. Summer was really hard for me this year. Ed had a new job and even though he was really close to home, the stress and amount of work he inherited with this job didn't allow us to do much getting away this summer. So, I spent the summer stacking wood, cleaning the office, painting the back hall, mowing lawns, getting bids for the kitchen and trying to figure out the financing for the kitchen project. We did go to Sand Camp and to Blue Lake twice. But, usually during my 9 week summer we are gone for three of those weeks to Blue lake and camping and at least a long weekend is spent on a motorcycle ride. Most Friday mornings we'd meet someone at Lake Samammish and go for an early morning ski.

No bike ride.
Two weekends at Blue Lake.
No Friday morning skis.
One week at Sand Camp.

I was pretty lonely.

It's nice to get back to work to actually feel like I'm contributing something and getting some adult conversation and just having something to do... a schedule that doesn't deviate.

Having someplace to go where someone needs me.

Having something to talk about besides how much you got done around the house that day.

Being able to think about something besides how lonely you are.

Hmmm... I guess the mopey feeling isn't gone after all...

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