Saturday, March 1, 2008

Biting the Bullet... Part II

So this morning was my first meeting at Weight Watchers (aka: WW or HW for Hate Watchers). I was a little apprehensive about going alone, but, found when I got there that the ladies at the counter were EXTREMELY nice. The woman who helped me get signed in told me like three times how glad she that I was there. (Even after she weighed me in and saw what my starting weight was.)

The cynical side of me was thinking, "Yeah, ya got my money. I'm paying your salary. Of course you're GLAD I'm here."

But soon all of the cynicism melted away because she was very sincere as was our meeting leader. I saw that an old teaching friend and also the mother of one of our neighbors was attending the same meeting and was able to catch up a little with both.

I also found that everyone, no matter what their weight, was so supportive of the issues people had and willing to problem solve.

I have to say that I almost cried. I know, I know... I cry at the drop of a hat (sappy cards, commercials, etc.) but I really felt like they were on my side and willing to do what it takes to help everyone in the room.

I think this is going to be a good, positive change for me.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Amy, I'm so inspired by you! Keep me updated as to how things progress! I am very much on your side and sending you positive thoughts as you work on this.

...and if you learn any super great tips, could you send 'em my way?