Friday, October 3, 2008

Anger Management

I'm new to the Spin Cycle... my friend Tina got my interested in it, so I'm going to try it out...

There are many things that piss me off. I tend to have that part of my dad in me... you know, to throw a "riggin' fit" where you get so mad you throw a wheelbarrow full of wood across the backyard or chase after your kid with a clam shovel intending to kill him (not really) after he accidentally Frisbees a sand dollar into your temple while you are out clam digging at the ocean with the family.

Yes, I have that in me. And I have been known to kick a full garbage can across my kitchen floor spilling garbage everywhere because I was mad at my husband. (I think I really freaked him out...)

But I have to say that the thing that I CANNOT take is driving under the influence. I lost a friend a year and a half ago to a man who was high on meth and driving with a suspended license. My friend was a father, a forest service police officer, an awesome friend who would do anything for you. When he died, he sat in his vehicle bleeding out because it took so long for the EMS to cut him out of his truck.

He died before his wife and boys could get to the hospital to be with him.

It took a year and three months for the trial to happen. The man who killed him was accused and convicted of vehicular homicide which carries a maximum sentence of sixty-one months.

I posted the day we went to the trial here .

I'm still not over it. I don't know if I will ever be. So, if I could make one plea to all of you out there in the Internet, please, PLEASE don't EVER drive under the influence of ANYTHING.

It's NEVER good. Really bad things happen.


Anonymous said...

Sobering. And angering. My mother lost her closest brother to a drunk driver when he was only 19. She misses him so much all these years later. Most likely due to this horror and my dad's aversion to alchohol, neither my sister nor I drink much more than wine cooler strength and even that is rare. In my line of work, I see the results of DUI all too often and it takes every ounce of energy not to reach through the phone and slap the idiot silly. Thanks for playing and you're linked!

Anonymous said...

What a great first spin! I'm so sorry for your loss, it's terrible how reckless and selfish people are when they choose to drive under the influence. We live pretty close to our local football stadium so I make it a point to never drive with my kids in the car on game days. I see people swerving all over the road because they had too much fun at the game and decided to drive themselves home.
I think that's the thing that makes me the most angry, drunk driving. I have never done it myself but when I was younger I stupidly got in the car with others who did. Luckily, things turned out ok for me but they could just as easily have turned out the other way.

DeeMarie said...

Incredible spin. I lost my best friend when we were 8. I can still picture the front page of the paper that day. You and your friends are in my thoughts.

steenky bee said...

Great post. I'm glad you joined the spin! I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't tolerate drunk driving as well. People think think they're invincible behind the wheel of a car.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you've joined the spin cycle.

I agree with Casey. Selfish.

And I would love to see the laws changed that one is charged with first degree murder rather than manslaughter. Manslaughter implies that you didn't mean it. WTH ... you didn't mean it? You chose to drink/do drugs. And then you chose to drive. You had a choice - it wasn't an "accident." Perhaps if people were charged with 1st degree - they would think twice.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

I lost five friends in one blow. Thankfully, no one was hurt but the people at fault. That's right. My friends were the ones driving under the influence. Less than a mile from their destination they hit a median and flipped over. The car went up in flames and they couldn't get out. Four of them were already gone when the ambulance arrived, one died of his burns in the hospital. If it had been my night off I'd have been with them. It's sad that they lost their lives so young, but they drove a message home, at least to me. I don't drink at all anymore, and on holidays or other times when I know there are going to be drunk drivers out, we stay home.

My condolences to all of you that have lost friends or family to DUIs.

Anonymous said...

That's awful. I'm so sorry you lost your friend. Such a pointless tragedy. A life lost so carelessly and the harshest penalty given is five years? That's infuriating.

Supervised Mama said...

I am also sorry for your loss, I don't think it's somthing that you could ever get over or accept really. Glad that you joined the spin cycle.

shopgirl said...

Eye opening spin! I am so sorry for you and your friends loss. I have also had friends and even myself gotten behind the wheel when I shouldn't have. Thankfully, nothing happened.

Anonymous said...

My God, I am so sorry for your loss, and all those posted by commenters. What an awful experience to live through.

Fantastic first spin though - this is absolutely something worth being angry about. In this case, I think it's a good thing to be angry, so that we continue to be spurred to action.

HeatherPride said...

Gosh. That is just awful. I'm so sorry that happened to your friend. Driving drunk is such a selfish thing to do. So many innocent lives lost. Thanks for writing this.