Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Blahs

It's almost the New Year.

I haven't been to the gym in AT LEAST a week. Before that, a month.

I haven't been to Weight Watchers since November.

I'm feeling the blahs. Can you tell?

I've maintained my weight over the break, but, I just feel bad. Not sad, not depressed, but, my body feels BAD. I've got to do something. And, I need to get started on it FAST.

I need to take care of myself! I only have this one body and I can't believe the damage I've already done to it.

I'm kind of disgusted with myself.

We are planning on going to Mexico next October. There's my incentive. I have nine months. I can be to 75% of my goal by then if I get my act together.

I'll keep you posted on my progress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just writing my resolution about being healthy this year. I am not sure why I can't seem to lose weight (beer?) and I just need to get serious. Maybe we should have our own little meetings and be SERIOUS about it? I don't know. I need a nazi to watch over me.

PS. I just had to type mulacap for the password..... I was so hoping it was going to be vagina this time.