Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cabana Chat

When Suzy and I volunteered to move out into the portables, we thought that we could sway the boys who were already out there to re-name them to cabanas. We told our principal not to say anything about out moving and that we wanted to tell the boys in our own way. We had our building manager call the boys into her office right after school was out and we had taped this segment of Mad TV for them to watch. We were hiding around the corner while they watched this and when we heard the uncomfortable laughter we swooped in with our gifts to them (beach towel and flip flops) and announced that we were coming out to the portables with them. We also announced that we were NOT going to be "trailer trash" and we were re-naming the portables cabanas.

As you can imagine, the Cabana's didn't go over so well and we kind of dropped the idea.

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