Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fiona's Letter

Dear Ona,

I can't believe that you are already three years old. You are such a peanut right now. You are so tiny that when Momma and I took you and Yay-Yay to the movie, when you sat in the seat by yourself, the seat folded up on you. You weren't heavy enough to keep it down!

I love the way you yell when I come to visit, "Auntie Amy's here!" and when you answer the phone you always ask, "Who is this?" One time I told you I was the Easter bunny and I think you believed me!

Right now you are SO naughty. You fight your momma on everything. You tattle on Sal (about things that never happened) and when Momma tells you to stop tattling, you go back to Sal and say, "Momma said..." and you proceed to tell Sal that he has to do something that he doesn't. You fight with Yay-yay all the time and want to have your way. Sometimes she lets you, but, more often than not, you do what she wants to do. It took her a long time to stop calling you John, even after you kept telling her, "My name is FIONA!" and you'd spell it. But, she wanted to be Audry and if she was Audry, you had to be John. Finally, Momma stepped in and told her that she couldn't call you John anymore. Some days you fight with Momma about what you are going to wear. You are so stubborn! Momma says that she needs to watch out because you will be the child, at 16, who skips school, hangs out at the North Bend Tavern and drinks beer. Which reminds me... Beer is one of your favorite things... You always say, "I like beer" and one time at Blue Lake, Munka and I caught you drinking old beer out of the cans that were in the recycling bag in the kitchen. I think your tummy hurt for a few days after that one! But, even when you've been naughty, you ALWAYS tattle on yourself. "Auntie, what happened to big Dorothy's arm?" (After you'd torn it off.) Or, "Munka, I have a pen!" and then Munka immediately takes away the pen from you.

You are a lover of tights. Gramma Mickey bought you a pair of "bear-butt" tights and you were bound and determined to show everyone your "bear-butt". Daddy kind of had a fit about that, but, I think he finally convinced you that it wasn't proper to be showing your butt to people. Mama just laughed and encouraged you to do it!

This year, you also started swimming lessons. You look so cute in your swimming suit. You and Yay-yay were in the same class, but she got moved up and you weren't in the same class any more. Bop said it was funny that when you two weren't together you were very timid and kind of hung back and let the rest of the kids try everything first. But, when you were in class together, you were always the first two to jump in and want to swim.

Ballet has been another thing that you have been involved with this year. I haven't gotten to actually see you do any ballet like at a recital, but, I have seen several "leg ups" and "butt ups" and forward rolls. You seem to like it very much and I think that it's a great thing to learn. Especially if you are trying to be graceful!

My keys are another fascination for you... You love to push the button and play with the tiny tape measure that I have on my key chain. You try to measure things and tell me they are weird measurements! You always say, "Auntie, I have your keys!" I always tell you that it's fine, but, not to lose them because your brother had a habit of doing that!

You are going to do big things Fiona Ryan... I can't wait to see what the future holds for you!


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