Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Holy Cow! I can't believe that we are actually home from our nine freakin' day trip! That is way too long to be living out of a suitcase. If I never see another restaurant again it will be too soon. I never thought that I would get so much pleasure from actually eating a sandwich from bread. Out of my refrigerator. Without mayo. And tomatoes. And onion.

I was, however, smart enough to put fresh sheets on our bed before we left so we were able to come home to new sheets. There is nothing I love more than new sheets on a bed. And puppy breath. And newly cut grass.

We spent the last days of our trip in Sandpoint, Idaho with Kim and Paul Van Atta. They flew to Spokane, rented a car and drove to Sandpoint to meet us. They skied with Ed on Friday and Saturday and I think that they had as good of time as Ed did. He was so excited that he actually had someone that he knew to ski with. He told me that Paul and Kim were great skiers and that they were fairly evenly matched.

We also spent a great deal of time drinking in microbreweries in Sandpoint. (I know, duh... that's why we call it Beers and Boards.) Friday night we ate at Mick Duffs http://www.mickduffs.com/ . Amazing beer and great food. Saturday night we went to the Laughing Dog Brewery http://www.laughingdogbrewing.com/ and actually closed down the joint. Our new friend Bruce stayed open one and one half hours after their closing time for us. Such a nice guy and really great beer. I think that our favorite was their CSB or better known as Crotch Sniffing Bastard. Great ESB. We asked Bruce where we should go and eat dinner and he sent us to a sports bar called Slates. Again, we shut the place down. I ended up being the D.D. so it was great fun watching the other three get squinty eyes and really loud. Zev (our GPS) took us back to the hotel where we shut it down for the night.

Apparently Paul had had a little too much fun because the next morning at breakfast he told us that he woke up at 3 AM with vomit coming out of his nose. Good times! I nearly choked on my raisin bran I was laughing so hard.

We hit two more breweries on our way home, the Cour de Lane (I know that I didn't spell that correctly) brewery and the Northern Lights in Spokane. The first wasn't open, and the second wasn't much to write home about.

We got home and had to do a hot lap for Ed to get him ready to leave for Wenatchee on Monday. For three days!

Nanny, nanny boo boo! He gets to sleep in a hotel and eat in a restaurant for 3 more days! (Laughs with the Dr. Evil Laugh) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9RxU_5_c8M

Bummer for him!


Anonymous said...

Really you need a bald cat for Dr. Evil laugh to be REALLY effective.

Amy Lou said...

OK Tina, you got it... click on the link. The cat is noticably absent, but, you get the idea...