Monday, July 9, 2012


My Dear Internets,

It is with heartfelt apologies that I write this blog post today.  I realize that I haven't posted since MAY 10th and I am positive that you have all deserted me.  I do have an excuse, though. The end of the year and state testing and my MASTER'S PROGRAM. Yes, Internets. I actually started my master's in Educational Technology Leadership. What was I thinking you ask? Well, to be honest, I'm not sure. However, I am loving the learning and am very glad that I have two study partners taking it with me. I'm pretty sure that I would have dropped out the first week had it not been for them. So, thanks Teenie and JB.

Today I am catching up on all of the house cleaning I did NOT do in the last five weeks of taking two master's classes, finishing my teaching job and cleaning up my room for the end of the year. Yes. TWO classes and working full time. Crazy? What? ME? Yes, perhaps. But, now I have eight credits under my belt and having taken the two classes when I did will make taking only one class per term seem like a cake walk. What will I do with my free time?

Well... Blog of course!

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