Saturday, January 28, 2012

Too Crabby to Pee

This last week has been a long one. We just came off a four day "vacation" due to snow, ice and power outages the week before and started the new school week with a two hour late start. I like when we have late starts because I always get more done than when we have an early release. Not so Monday morning. All my co-workers came in to say hi and chat about the weather and the "vacation". I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, which started the week on a smallish crabby note.

As the week progressed, it kept getting worse and worse. I was SO tired in the afternoons, but couldn't sleep at night and was waking up between three and four AM. They kids were all out of whack from being gone unexpectedly for four days and it was a struggle to get them back on track.

Did I say that we were out of school unexpectedly for FOUR days????

There was a zero hour class to teach, an early staff meeting to attend and forty-seven thousand things to correct. I didn't even have time to pee.

I felt like I was getting sick with whatever yuk The Better Half got before embarking on a business trip to Ohio.

Not to mention fighting an allergic reaction to, of all things, laundry soap that caused an massive rash everywhere.

Needless to say, by Thursday, I was too crabby to pee.

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