Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Random Tuesday Thoughts

  • Today my cat had an "event" (which I won't describe in detail here, but let's just say "stuff" came out of both ends) 15 minutes before I was to leave to be at zero hour photography at school. Sometimes I wish I didn't have carpet anywhere in my house.
  • Dear Hitchhiking Lady- Probably flipping people off who purposely don't give you a ride because you are stumbling along a two lane road at 7:45 in the morning looking  like you are strung out on heroin isn't going to get you a ride from anyone at all. Just sayin'.
  • Why is it that guys feel the need to pee into any type of container they can find in their car WHILE DRIVING and then throw said container out of the window of their car for the rest of the population to enjoy passing on their way to work? Have you ever heard of McDonald's? You don't even have to buy anything to use THE RESTROOM!
  • Our god daughter graduated from college last weekend. Man. There's nothing like a college graduation to make you feel REALLY old.
  • We're almost through with our state testing. Thank goodness we only have 1 test per subject instead of the 2 or 3 per subject. This year we only have 3 days of testing instead of the 7 last year.
  • What is with the weather around here? I'm SO sick of the rain. I think I might be growing webbed feet.
  • My training for the Rock and Roll half marathon is going OK... I walk/ran 6 miles yesterday. It's going to be tough. Luckily the race isn't until June 25th. And Julie and Teenie and Stacey are running with me. Well, at the same time. Probably not "with me" as I'm the slowest runner in captivity.
  • I just ate left overs for lunch and have decided that all my lunches from now on have to be left overs. Which means that I have to cook something the night before that might precipitate left overs. I've decided that I am not a "make a sandwich in the morning and eat it at lunch" kind of girl.
All righty then.

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