Thursday, January 20, 2011

Maybe Not So Stupid...

OK, so on my last post, I said that I had no motivation... That I wanted to quit... That I was a big loser...

Well, guess what? Last night I ran for 8 minutes. WITHOUT STOPPING! All at one time!

Can you believe it? I certainly couldn't.

It was one of those instances where I had the plan of: Run 3 minutes, walk 2 minutes... Run 3, walk 2. But, at that 3 minutes mark, I was feeling pretty good so I thought to myself, "I think I can make it to 4 minutes." At the 4 minutes mark, I was still feeling pretty good, so I decided to try for 5. At the 5 minutes mark, I was all, "Oh, I can make it to 6 minutes!" And I did! So, when I got to the 6 minute mark, I decided that if I could make it that far, I could make it to 8. And I did.

I walked for 2 minutes and then decided to try for another 8 minute 2 minute interval. That didn't work so well, but I did make it 6 minutes. Then I walked 2. Then I ran 4 minutes, walked 2. Then I ran 2 walked 2 and ran the last two. In this 30 minute period, I actually ran/walked 2 miles. With the cool down, it was 2.25.

Maybe I CAN actually run this half marathon in June...


Kirstin said...

I had to chuckle at this one Amy! So often I see runners and i think...they make it look so easy and fun, maybe I can learn to like running...and then I go outside and try to run and go....hmmmm....don't like running (C:

Way to go...I need to try it a little bit more.

Teenie said...

Guess what? WE will do this :)

I hate running...but I like you! HA! And just think...Beer afterwards! :)