Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Dearest Tinsey

Dear Sal,

I can't believe that yesterday you "graduated" from Middle School. Oh, I know... Mr. Newell said that you guys weren't "graduating". He said that a graduation is an "end" to something. He said that your class wasn't ending their schooling career. They were beginning their high school one.

Whatever. You've graduated from Middle School. I don't care what Mr. Newell says.

You were born almost 14 years ago. I remember. Well, duh, I'm Auntie. I should remember. Munka called me from the hospital and told me I better get there. You were on the way. I was coming from Redmond and I'd missed both Robert (I was working at school) and Bradly (Auntie Yaya practically had him in the car he was so fast) and I didn't want to miss you.

Munka, of course, was lying. You weren't even close yet. She just wanted me to think that you were so that I could leave work and be sure to be there.

I remember your dad coming out of the room after you were born. The first thing he said was, "Omigod! It's a boy! He has HUGE feet!" And then ran back into the room.

He was so excited. We all were. My sister had a kid. WOW. But your mom was one to do everything before me, so I wasn't surprised that she had a baby before me. Your dad came out and told us what your name was. I thought that you had the coolest name ever. So lucky were you that you got to have your dad's grandpa's name.

We all said how beautiful you were. Your mom? She said, "His face looks kind of scrunched and his eyes are far apart." Only your mom would notice those things. And they weren't really... You were over cooked. You were two weeks late. You didn't want to come out. You were just-fine-and-dandy-in-there-thank-you-very-much.

That year was also the year that I started teaching first grade at my school. You, your mom, and Munka came in to help me set up my classroom. I had ABSOLUTELY no idea what I was doing. I was going with the flow and hoping it would be enough. I remember singing the Bicycle Race song by Queen to you and pumping your legs all around. You would smile and just look at me like I was a lunatic. But, you would find that out later. (That Auntie is a lunatic, that is).

When your mom and dad split up, your mom took a job at the tavern nights, so that she could support you and not have to pay day care because Munka and I took turns babysitting you. I was lucky enough to get to have you one night a week. I would come and get you after school, bring you home and then your mom would come in the middle of the night when she was done working and stay over night too. I loved those Tuesday nights. You were a kick in the pants. You never complained what I served for dinner, in fact you ate everything. You and Ed played video games or you helped him with whatever project he was working on at the time.

Now you are almost 14. HOLY CRAP! 14????? And you've "graduated" from Middle School. Can I just say that you have turned into the nicest, funniest most pleasant kid to be around? Your mom and Ryan have done an awesome job raising you. I love that you will try any sport "just because I felt like trying it, Auntie" or that you can make fun of things in a new and interesting way (your poetry project), that you LOVE Journey now and all those old 80's hair bands like KISS. (God, that's hysterical!) I love that you still call me Auntie and like to be around me. (I know that won't last forever.)

So, my dearest Tinsey, know your Auntie loves you dearly and wishes only good things for your future. And, if you ever need anything at all, I am ALWAYS here for you.



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