Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Brotherhood Survey

1. Your name:

2. Your Web page:
This is it!

3 What have you been up to this past year (please be as detailed as possible, because we actually want to know)?
I have been teaching 24 fourth graders, mourning my dog, remodeling the bathroom, reading some good books, playing with my nieces, torturing my husband.

4 How much longer do you think you'll be doing what you're doing?
I'll be teaching until I'm old and grey, oh wait, I am grey.
Mourning my dog, I don't know.
Remodeling the bathroom- hopefully VERY SOON!
Reading good books- Always
Playing with my nieces- until they tell me to get lost.
Torturing my husband- 'til death do us part

5 Why are you doing it?
Because I love teaching.
Because I love my dog.
Because the bathroom was retched.
Because reading is vacation!
Because my nieces are the cutest things ever!
Because I have no children to torture!

6 What do you want to be doing?
If I wasn't teaching I would want to be an archaeologist.

7 What's next in your life?
Teaching, traveling

8 How You Doin'?

9 What's the best book you read this year?
Children's (young adult) : Looking for Alaska By John Green
Adult: From a Buick 8 by Stephen King

10 Describe a perfect day.
Waking up without the alarm, having it be sunny and warm and going on a long motorcycle ride.

11 Assuming that all things come to an do you think humans will go extinct?
I don't know. I just hope I'm not here.

12 How are you feeling about kids these days?
I like kids. I'm a teacher. I don't know if I want any of my own yet. You can't ride a motorcycle when you're pregnant.

13 (- In this space, compose your own question, and answer it -)
When's the last time you combed your hair?
About 4 weeks ago... the last time I got it cut and colored.

14 Ambrozzo tastes better than anything else, what does ambrozzo taste like?
Kettle corn

15 If you were a cliché, what cliché would you be?
Hell hath no fury compared to a women scorned.

16 What is your least favorite part of any given day?
When my husband's alarm goes off.

17 Do you enjoy science fiction?
YES, YES and YES!!!!

18 Cheese or Chocolate?
Cheese. Chocolate makes my teeth hairy.

19 Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
On a lake, in Montana, in a log cabin.

20 What was your first concert?
Chicago. I was 13 and went with my sister and her friends. It was really bad!

21 If you could start a business that would be instantly successful, what kind of business would it be?
A used book store.

22 Invisibility or Time Travel?
Invisibility! (DUH!)

23 What's wrong with the world?
Parents who don't teach their kids to take responsibility for themselves and their choices. (It wasn't my fault!)

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