Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My Second Family

Everyone knows by now that I am a CrossFitter. My sister got me started a year and a half ago in a tiny garage box down the alley from her house. I was hooked. My previous coach was really into health and food so I "adopted" the Paleo lifestyle and lost 25 pounds along with gaining a ton of strength and muscle. Most of our morning crew ended up together at our current Box when the coach closed her gym down. Our new coaches are awesome and really pay attention to our form and our overall health. I still have A LOT of work to do on the food end of things, but I didn't get this way over night so this will take some time.

I'm feeling a little emotional at the moment because today I ran a mile. Well. Let's be honest. I didn't "run" the whole thing. Probably 2/3 of it and so slowly that someone walking could have kept up with me easily. I was the last one in but did it in 13:34. The thing that was the coolest is that when I came around the corner, one of my morning crew gym mates was waiting for me in the middle of the street. He knew that I was last. He knew running is my least favorite thing AND the hardest thing for me. But, he waited and ran the last little bit with me. AFTER running the mile himself. When I got to the end, another one of our morning crew was waiting to congratulate me and just support.

I can't tell you what that means. As someone who has been fighting weight issues for most of her adult life to have someone that isn't directly associated with your daily routine or life, do something like that for you is HUGE. And to do it willingly. He/They could have been in the box getting ready for the AMRAP that was on the board, but they chose to run with me.

It makes me feel so proud to be a part of a community that supports everyone in every stage of their process to get healthy and strong. On those days when it's hard to get up at 5:15, I think about my 6 AM crew and know that when I get there, not only will I be supported, but I will also have the best time.

So. Thanks North Bend CrossFit and the 6 AM crew for everything. You guys are the best.


Kirstin said...

You are amazing Amy and you inspire me and I'm proud of you..I have been so lazy with exercise and I read your posts and am inspired and hopefully will get off my rear and do something with that! Way to go and way to run... I HATE running too.

Anonymous said...

Amy, that's fantastic!! Thanks for sharing. So inspiring...what a great crew of people! Love, Jenny Anderson