Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Things I Learned in My First Zumba Class- RTT

So I took my first Zumba class at the gym last night. Here are some things I learned:
  • When they say that it is a "shoes optional class", wear your shoes. Not only do my knees hurt like hell today from not wearing my shoes, but the bottoms of my feet were DISGUSTINGLY DIRTY when I got home. Gross.
  • When I actually figure out what I'm doing, I think I'll be able to "rock it"  in the class (according to the instructor).
  • The one man in the class can REALLY shake his money maker.
  • No matter how much weight I lose, or how cute I look in the Zumba outfits, I will NEVER be able to move like the instructor. I am just not built that way.
  • Hopping forward while shaking your chest is harder than it looks.
  • The "bootie shake" is also harder than it looks.
  • Randomly screaming "Woooooo!" in a high pitched voice is apparently a requirement to be in the class.
  • Even though it doesn't feel like you are going to be sore the next day, YOU WILL BE. Advil or your choice of pain reliever is a must.
  • It's actually a fun way to exercise.

1 comment:

gretchen said...

Oh man, a friend of mine has been trying to talk me into the Zumba class at the Y and I have so far avoided it. All that moneymaker shaking seems like pressure. I think I'll stick with pilates, where nobody can watch me. Still...that zumba looks fun...